The Downriht and The Braveman


A king entering dusk age wish to look for its substitution. Differ from habit, he do not show assistant and also children closest its. He exactly call young man on that country and orate before them. "I will perform a contest. All of you all will get a seed. Plant this seed, take care of, and return one year again with crop all of you each. To owning best crop will be direct I show to become king replace me!" A so called young man Badu seen enthusiastic very. He plant that seed, and him every day. But until one month elapse not yet grew something. After 6 months, all young man start to discuss their crop growing is high, but pot of Badu still is empty. Badu do not tell any at its friends. He remain to await its seed grow. One year elapse. All young man bring its crop to king. Initialy Badu shy at, but its mother pushing him go and converse are there him. King greet all young man as great as praising crop which they bring. " Activity all of you excruciatingly. Crop all of you beautiful unbelievableness him. I will show a from all of you become new king!"

Sudden king which see Badu stand up rear calling him. Panic Badu, "I don't will be murdered," think him. riotic Cash atmosphere with attendant gibing and jeer witness its empty pot. " Keep quiet altogether!" call loudly king. He turn around at Badu, later;then announce, " This is new king all of you!" All surprising. How can one who fail becoming king? King continue, " One year ago, I give all of you a seed to be planted. But which I give seed which have been cooked and cannot grow. All of you all have changed him with other seed. Only Badu owning SINCERITY and BRAVERY to bring pot with seed which I give. In consequence him which I lift to replace me! There are 2 important word able to be taken away from story above is. First, sincerity. This is behavioral base of someone. In Prophet era, there is a which ask apology and wish to arrange itself. just simple Prophet Tips: " Don't Lie!" This People like because Prophet do not prohibit other things. " If merely don't lie easy," think him. Hence he even also conduct what habit doing of. He will steal, but think, " How if my neighbor ask my estate?" He cancel its intention. He wish corrupt, but think, " How if waiting my family ask where me go?" Again he bracket his intent. That is further. Each;Every wishing to do immoral he cash canceling it.

Become sincerity will bring elementary change itself of someone. But without bravery, sincerity of never bring change to throng. Sincerity only yielding follower is not leader. To be able to change society required bravery. Its problem, from such coming of bravery? Bravery come if we can conquer to have cold feet. Have cold feet this is source of all kinds of badness in this world. The example, angry feeling. In fact, only if You feel to fear you'd fulminate. Try to contemplate last when Your times;rill fulminate. Going on Your contemplation. Trace to have cold feet which hidden at the opposite of engagement of You. What frightful You lose and snatched from yourself? Fear that's making You fulminate. Have cold feet existing indicate that we not yet is self-supporting. Bliss and our security still coming from something outside our self's!