What looks outside - dreams. Who looks inside - awakens. Carl Gustav Jung
The single most important thing you can do in your life is to connect with your source. Bigger everything that you want, in liaison with the source to develop a relationship with the Infinite Wisdom of the Universe. From stay in touch and there is the flow and everything is easily and quickly to you.
Have you heard say, go with the flow.
This does not mean follow the masses - which means connect with your source and go with its flow - that is unique to each and every one of us.
Where do you think you really come from? Your parents? Yes, you share their DNA - and your body comes from their membership. But where is which looks out from behind those eyes alive? In your cells and your DNA, the central nervous system? Do you live in mind? Are you your mind?
Have you ever noticed that when you experience something - a feeling - a moment - an event or circumstance - and that while you enjoy and participate in these things happen, that a part of you sits back and watches everything ?
Many call this the observer, the witness, your spirit, the soul, whatever name you choose - is the part of you that is always connected to the source - as witnesses back and everything. Your eternal being lies here and is always in direct communication with the source for the connection that you would not die.
If there are always connected - because we then connect? They confuse this for you? Yes, you are always connected with the spring, a period in which nothing can report north. But the part of you that is connected is not in your conscious mind.
When I speak connection with the source, I mean consciously. For too long we have done the part of our being that is linked to the source site and back of the bus. Like Mrs. Parks, once part comes when you simply can not be ignored take any more. What happens? Many things - your life falls apart, you get sick, things do not go your way - you lose your job, your lover, your home, what is life consuming.
Father Mother of God, your Being not stay in the back of the bus for a long - especially if something stirs in you - the sleeper must wake up. Yes, you can have everything you want - but not at the cost of your soul.
The relationship with the source is different for everyone. It does not believe in your spring source to empower your being. Nor can we say of another person as their relationship with the source is supposed to be. This is a very experienced individual. And 'the most intimate of relationships you can ever experience.
Source lets you never, ever is to you and not make you feel guilty. Source loves you unconditionally and always say yes to you - even if your faith is such that he feels the universe says no. The universe will support whatever you believe to be true.
An important fact to understand the universe always says yes, even when it perceives that it is not. When you have not experienced what you are experiencing is your faith in any way the universe says yes, arguing your not. By defining your world. Source not do it for you.
Source not your ego, your personality or any trait or characteristic of your being. Source is not your faith or religious structure of enterprises. It is the divine source infinite wisdom. And some call God, Energy, Allah, the Lord - is known by many names, or none.
You can ask the source of everything and will be answered. It responds by giving you a feeling. If you feel calm and peaceful - that is the answer - which can be interpreted as yes. If you feel more confused and in turmoil - this can be interpreted as no.
As you develop your relationship with your source is as a form of communication that works for her. There are no hard and set rules, and this is a very personal relationship - one that nobody, but it is the source and the parties.
A true story
I saw a woman of spirit leave his body. I have watched his death.
Eighteen I worked full-time in a nursing home as a nurses aid. Popolate with people in recent years, most of them lived the rest of their days in this small hospital, convalescent in La Mesa, California.
I worked the graveyard shift, eleven to seven pm Standing almost five feet eleven inches and, in general, is not afraid of too much, I worked this shift with three other women, all of them older and wiser than me. Seniors, great, and the black, non-intimidated-by-very-women, each in their own way took me under his wing and taught me my job.
Our job involved turning, changing, and for the care of these people. Many were in bed and broad request for assistance. We want to make our runs every two hours from the end of the hall and working towards the rear of the nurses station.
Very early one fall morning, at about three o'clock in the morning, the time has come to turn once again my patients, control and empty catheters, fluids and force anyone awake.
I pushed my cart piled high with incontinence pads, towels, and wash clothes at the end of the hall and ducked in the lane to my left. Each department hosted contained four beds with patients unable to communicate. In this particular department, every patient contained a tube inserted through their noses into their stomach for water and food.
I felt sad for these women, as I could never tell if they did not know what went on them.
Bed, bedsore, usually pretty hard, and locked in position on fetal parts, as patients lay eerily quiet as the room.
I entered the ward and heard immediately attracted over second bed on my right. The small lamp above the bed threw a cone of light directly above the head of Ellie. A small woman with short salt and pepper hair and drawn in fetal position on her left side, I knew I needed to turn his Corsican.
Inconsciamente I pushed the cart away from me, as I approached the end of his bed. I felt attracted just look at her. It felt like I just entered a church. A deep peace and tranquility cast upon her. I gently moved to the foot of his bed and put a hand on the footboard. Permanent, it is only about five metres tall and can weigh no more than eighty or ninety pounds soaking wet. A sheet of light and its covered deck.
I felt compelled to watch her - my eyes drawn to her feet. I can not tell you how, but something inside me knew only watch and took very gently and direct my gaze. I noticed something moving under cover from her feet so I focused my attention.
I saw a ripple to move her feet, her body slowly but steadily. I say ripple, because he felt non-violent. It 'been an effect and a cause in a constant fluid movement.
I have seen how this ripple crested its trunk and apparently disappeared, but in exactly the ripple of himself, left the crown of his head like a spiral of wispy-like cigarette smoke. It twisted gently to form a free corkscrew way, the definition of intent clearly its purpose, and who died in unique cone of light above his head.
I can not say that I felt surprise. Something inside me knew. The timing of the whole affair, complete with me pushing the cart part, in addition to walk gently until the end of his bed, and puts a hand on the footboard could not be more exquisitely timed, if it had been written.
The moment I hit the mark, the movement started.
While happened, I felt no fear. The moment I understood his death, in fact, crashed on me. He died, I saw. More importantly, I saw his spirit leave quietly and gently with a singular intent and purpose: he knew where to head. I felt the intelligence, I heard your awareness of me, and I heard her total lack of gender.
Children, the fear has driven me out of the room. I went across the hall to find one of the great black sisters with whom I have worked.
He ambled his way to the room with me in tow. I was behind her and used his body as a shield and we entered Ellie's room. He controlled Ellie's wrist, look at the time and said, "yep, you are dead".
He pulled Ellie's few things from the night stand drawers and them on the bed with her. He covered his head.
We closed all the doors along the corridor so that when the mortician come to you, no one would watch. I never told my staff this story. Not thinking he would believe me. He made such an impression on me that I promptly forgot the whole experience until I was in my thirty.
Through the years, I have lived in many different psychic readings and without fail, all shared with me, that I have the mental capacity. I have had many other experiences, however, nothing I saw a spirit like this straight - for the corner of my eye, yes. In reflection of mirrors, windows and other glass, yes.
The point I am making is this: more than one body, more of a personality or an ego, you are a child of God with an eternal spirit. Eternal. E-tern-al.
You come from the source, is a source to exist because, in one day to return to the source.
Critical to your well-being and for your efforts on this journey to create your reality, and learn how to become the real you - the divine son of the universe - the link with your source is a step needs to be done on their own.
This is a very personal journey, no man, woman or child can come between you and your Source. The death can not separate from your source.
Source is the very source of his being. The part of you that do not live in the physical realm - the part of you that keeps constantly twenty-four hour access to all things, known and unknown, seen and unseen stands a mere breath.
I read somewhere once that "God" - Spiritos - means to exhale - while "man" means inhale. The more close to the source you can get there?
Consapevolmente attach to your source. I give thanks to your source for the ability to breathe inbound and outbound. Start your day to give thanks for all things in your life, both wanted and unwanted. Write a list of five things you are grateful for each day and watch change your life!
We give thanks for everything that you can see, taste, touch, smell, hear, or sense, without your source for you does not exist.
Step outside, right this minute, if it is on your porch, your home, your slow, the yard, the front yard or on the road. Go outside and look up. Look at the sun or clouds, the moon and the stars and the invitation to tender has not done everything as a man. That, in its simplest form, is an expression of divine source.
And then realize that the Creator of all this - propels you, powers you, gives you to be on this planet. The same energy that has made the stars you did. The same energy that powers the world powers.
To quote Joni Mitchell, "are stardust, you are golden."
Are you less than any of these? You are loved. And we are known.
And 'Now is the time for you to know yourself.
The single most important thing you can do in your life is to connect with your source. Bigger everything that you want, in liaison with the source to develop a relationship with the Infinite Wisdom of the Universe. From stay in touch and there is the flow and everything is easily and quickly to you.
Have you heard say, go with the flow.
This does not mean follow the masses - which means connect with your source and go with its flow - that is unique to each and every one of us.
Where do you think you really come from? Your parents? Yes, you share their DNA - and your body comes from their membership. But where is which looks out from behind those eyes alive? In your cells and your DNA, the central nervous system? Do you live in mind? Are you your mind?
Have you ever noticed that when you experience something - a feeling - a moment - an event or circumstance - and that while you enjoy and participate in these things happen, that a part of you sits back and watches everything ?
Many call this the observer, the witness, your spirit, the soul, whatever name you choose - is the part of you that is always connected to the source - as witnesses back and everything. Your eternal being lies here and is always in direct communication with the source for the connection that you would not die.
If there are always connected - because we then connect? They confuse this for you? Yes, you are always connected with the spring, a period in which nothing can report north. But the part of you that is connected is not in your conscious mind.
When I speak connection with the source, I mean consciously. For too long we have done the part of our being that is linked to the source site and back of the bus. Like Mrs. Parks, once part comes when you simply can not be ignored take any more. What happens? Many things - your life falls apart, you get sick, things do not go your way - you lose your job, your lover, your home, what is life consuming.
Father Mother of God, your Being not stay in the back of the bus for a long - especially if something stirs in you - the sleeper must wake up. Yes, you can have everything you want - but not at the cost of your soul.
The relationship with the source is different for everyone. It does not believe in your spring source to empower your being. Nor can we say of another person as their relationship with the source is supposed to be. This is a very experienced individual. And 'the most intimate of relationships you can ever experience.
Source lets you never, ever is to you and not make you feel guilty. Source loves you unconditionally and always say yes to you - even if your faith is such that he feels the universe says no. The universe will support whatever you believe to be true.
An important fact to understand the universe always says yes, even when it perceives that it is not. When you have not experienced what you are experiencing is your faith in any way the universe says yes, arguing your not. By defining your world. Source not do it for you.
Source not your ego, your personality or any trait or characteristic of your being. Source is not your faith or religious structure of enterprises. It is the divine source infinite wisdom. And some call God, Energy, Allah, the Lord - is known by many names, or none.
You can ask the source of everything and will be answered. It responds by giving you a feeling. If you feel calm and peaceful - that is the answer - which can be interpreted as yes. If you feel more confused and in turmoil - this can be interpreted as no.
As you develop your relationship with your source is as a form of communication that works for her. There are no hard and set rules, and this is a very personal relationship - one that nobody, but it is the source and the parties.
A true story
I saw a woman of spirit leave his body. I have watched his death.
Eighteen I worked full-time in a nursing home as a nurses aid. Popolate with people in recent years, most of them lived the rest of their days in this small hospital, convalescent in La Mesa, California.
I worked the graveyard shift, eleven to seven pm Standing almost five feet eleven inches and, in general, is not afraid of too much, I worked this shift with three other women, all of them older and wiser than me. Seniors, great, and the black, non-intimidated-by-very-women, each in their own way took me under his wing and taught me my job.
Our job involved turning, changing, and for the care of these people. Many were in bed and broad request for assistance. We want to make our runs every two hours from the end of the hall and working towards the rear of the nurses station.
Very early one fall morning, at about three o'clock in the morning, the time has come to turn once again my patients, control and empty catheters, fluids and force anyone awake.
I pushed my cart piled high with incontinence pads, towels, and wash clothes at the end of the hall and ducked in the lane to my left. Each department hosted contained four beds with patients unable to communicate. In this particular department, every patient contained a tube inserted through their noses into their stomach for water and food.
I felt sad for these women, as I could never tell if they did not know what went on them.
Bed, bedsore, usually pretty hard, and locked in position on fetal parts, as patients lay eerily quiet as the room.
I entered the ward and heard immediately attracted over second bed on my right. The small lamp above the bed threw a cone of light directly above the head of Ellie. A small woman with short salt and pepper hair and drawn in fetal position on her left side, I knew I needed to turn his Corsican.
Inconsciamente I pushed the cart away from me, as I approached the end of his bed. I felt attracted just look at her. It felt like I just entered a church. A deep peace and tranquility cast upon her. I gently moved to the foot of his bed and put a hand on the footboard. Permanent, it is only about five metres tall and can weigh no more than eighty or ninety pounds soaking wet. A sheet of light and its covered deck.
I felt compelled to watch her - my eyes drawn to her feet. I can not tell you how, but something inside me knew only watch and took very gently and direct my gaze. I noticed something moving under cover from her feet so I focused my attention.
I saw a ripple to move her feet, her body slowly but steadily. I say ripple, because he felt non-violent. It 'been an effect and a cause in a constant fluid movement.
I have seen how this ripple crested its trunk and apparently disappeared, but in exactly the ripple of himself, left the crown of his head like a spiral of wispy-like cigarette smoke. It twisted gently to form a free corkscrew way, the definition of intent clearly its purpose, and who died in unique cone of light above his head.
I can not say that I felt surprise. Something inside me knew. The timing of the whole affair, complete with me pushing the cart part, in addition to walk gently until the end of his bed, and puts a hand on the footboard could not be more exquisitely timed, if it had been written.
The moment I hit the mark, the movement started.
While happened, I felt no fear. The moment I understood his death, in fact, crashed on me. He died, I saw. More importantly, I saw his spirit leave quietly and gently with a singular intent and purpose: he knew where to head. I felt the intelligence, I heard your awareness of me, and I heard her total lack of gender.
Children, the fear has driven me out of the room. I went across the hall to find one of the great black sisters with whom I have worked.
He ambled his way to the room with me in tow. I was behind her and used his body as a shield and we entered Ellie's room. He controlled Ellie's wrist, look at the time and said, "yep, you are dead".
He pulled Ellie's few things from the night stand drawers and them on the bed with her. He covered his head.
We closed all the doors along the corridor so that when the mortician come to you, no one would watch. I never told my staff this story. Not thinking he would believe me. He made such an impression on me that I promptly forgot the whole experience until I was in my thirty.
Through the years, I have lived in many different psychic readings and without fail, all shared with me, that I have the mental capacity. I have had many other experiences, however, nothing I saw a spirit like this straight - for the corner of my eye, yes. In reflection of mirrors, windows and other glass, yes.
The point I am making is this: more than one body, more of a personality or an ego, you are a child of God with an eternal spirit. Eternal. E-tern-al.
You come from the source, is a source to exist because, in one day to return to the source.
Critical to your well-being and for your efforts on this journey to create your reality, and learn how to become the real you - the divine son of the universe - the link with your source is a step needs to be done on their own.
This is a very personal journey, no man, woman or child can come between you and your Source. The death can not separate from your source.
Source is the very source of his being. The part of you that do not live in the physical realm - the part of you that keeps constantly twenty-four hour access to all things, known and unknown, seen and unseen stands a mere breath.
I read somewhere once that "God" - Spiritos - means to exhale - while "man" means inhale. The more close to the source you can get there?
Consapevolmente attach to your source. I give thanks to your source for the ability to breathe inbound and outbound. Start your day to give thanks for all things in your life, both wanted and unwanted. Write a list of five things you are grateful for each day and watch change your life!
We give thanks for everything that you can see, taste, touch, smell, hear, or sense, without your source for you does not exist.
Step outside, right this minute, if it is on your porch, your home, your slow, the yard, the front yard or on the road. Go outside and look up. Look at the sun or clouds, the moon and the stars and the invitation to tender has not done everything as a man. That, in its simplest form, is an expression of divine source.
And then realize that the Creator of all this - propels you, powers you, gives you to be on this planet. The same energy that has made the stars you did. The same energy that powers the world powers.
To quote Joni Mitchell, "are stardust, you are golden."
Are you less than any of these? You are loved. And we are known.
And 'Now is the time for you to know yourself.