What You Want in Life


by: Tony Hall

Have you ever heard the old adage, "If you do not ask, you will not!"?

It is worthwhile to pay attention because taking too many of us are afraid to ask for things that we need to succeed in life. Put questions can open the doors and bring us the opportunities which undoubtedly are already out there. So why do we find it so difficult?

The chances are that if you go to a good school there were always encouraged to ask questions. If you are not well understood what the teacher was telling you the only way to do that was to ask the meaning. As a father I certainly encourage my children to ask questions, is the only way to learn.

But perhaps, like a child is easy to say that not understand and accept the fact that you do not know something. So it's easy to do something about it, ask for help and find a solution.

But, unfortunately, given that we stop asking the elderly! Perhaps it is because we believe that as adults we know what it means and how to do things and so we do not want to look foolish, especially in front of our friends, family and business associates.

Or maybe we just quit care enough to want to learn new things and gain new experiences. It 'sad, because when you get to ask you usually start to!

Certainly, we all ask for things every day. We when we go shopping, go to movies, or go to a restaurant. But we ask only for simple things!

Take the latest example. When Vai in a restaurant and see something on the menu that was unknown to ask the waiter what? Congratulations, if you do, but most people simply go over and stick with what they already know. This is a lost opportunity!

And how many times, when in a conversation with a group of people were told something that you do not understand? Rather than say, and ask for an explanation is easy to just stay calm and remain ignorant. Another wasted opportunity!

And 'true, it is not true? You just do not want to appear foolish.

Well it is time to change!

If you really want to move forward then you need to learn something new every day. You need to broaden their horizons, take on new experiences and find out everything you need to get where you want to be.

Then start asking. I ask what things mean, how, and, most importantly, to ask for things you want in life.

The fact is that one of the keys to a good conversation is to ask questions. People do not think you are dumb or get annoyed. Instead they'll warm to you and you will soon find that you are gaining all kinds of benefits. So, do not be afraid to raise questions. I call in particular on the topics that you need to know to help you reach your goals.

Ask why, I ask that, I ask what. All these questions will have people talking, and you soon begin to learn a lot of new facts and information. You'll acquire new knowledge and discover new opportunities that will bring success to your life. And never be afraid to ask for help.

So why not start now asking some 'research questions. Ask what you really want in life and what you have to do to get it. Search into finding what really bring happiness and fulfillment desired. Because if you do not know what motivates you and then you will not get to where you want to be.

Then ask, and very soon you will begin to "reach"!