

by: Loren Fogelman
What is the stress

Stress is a part of daily life. Everyone has stress. Some people seem to have more stress than others. Stress is a way of reacting to events in our lives. There are times when you might feel that too much is happening at once and feel overwhelmed. Other times, you feel the pressure of a deadline or time to implement and need to take care of something before it is too late. After having been in a similar situation before creating anxiety. How we perceive a situation will affect how we respond. There is good stress and bad stress.

Good stress can be a motivation. Knowing that you have an obligation to address and a calendar. What kind of stress are put into action in order to meet a deadline. Or there may be unexpected in a situation where you need to make a split second response in order to avoid danger. This could be slamming foot on the brake to avoid an accident. Forecast of a competition or performance will tension and nervousness before the event. This nervousness is due to an increased flow of adrenaline going through your body. Your body is preparing for the "fight or flight" syndrome. The release of adrenaline prepares your body to take measures to deal with the situation, including improved focus, strength, endurance and increased attention.

People have bad stress in their lives. If we perceive a situation as stressful or not depends on previous experiences. A person could see that in a world of multi-tasking job very stressful, feeling overwhelmed and becoming concerned about their work. Another person might find multi tasking fun because continue to stay busy and the time goes faster. Your body is able to cope with stress for short periods of time. When stress is Corsican that is facing a divorce or bankruptcy, and this can lead a person down. Long period of stress contributes to feeling tired, overwhelmed and contributes to lower immunity.

The body of the reactions to stress

Once you see something as stressful, whether positive or negative, your body reacts to this perception. The answer is a survival technique and a defence mechanism. The reaction is called "fight or flight" response. Whether it is to fight the aggressor or choose to flee from the threat. This includes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, sweat, hearing and vision are most acute in the hands and feet may be cold-blooded targets large muscles in preparation for a fight or to flee. Your body is being prepped to handle the situation. When the threat is more, your body returns to normal.

If your body has difficulty returning to normal after that experience stress overload. This is when you stress too much or are Corsican stress in your life and not be able to relax. Pressure in your life might be too intense or continue for too long without a break. People who have suffered trauma have probably overload of stress. If the trauma is not resolved so you may become hypervigilant, a sense of being too aware of possible danger. You may be "on guard". Overload stress has an effect on the emotional and physical body. This could include panic attacks, depression, sleep problems, namely the physical pain, headaches, allergies, as well as the abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Having unresolved trauma will effect his perception. Situations that may not have caused the tension before the trauma can have the ability to create anxiety after the trauma. Becoming aware of how he changed his perception and research support to address the trauma issue can be useful to reduce Corsican stress and reducing anxiety. Seeking advice that focuses on the perception contribute to cognitive decline hypervigilance and help reduce the risk to continue to be retraumatized. In addition, your body is the memory of the event as well. Being able to issue this reaction to the memory of the event from your body helps to reduce stress and overload trigger.

Stress and control

It helped to underline the desire to be in control. This includes not only control over yourself, but control over other people and the environment. Trying to control others and your environment, however, is impossible. You have only control over your thoughts and actions. In order to alleviate the stress and anxiety it is important to let go of things trying to control outside of yourself. We can not predict the future and is not able to control what happens next events. By focusing on future potential problems contributing to anxiety. On the other hand, people are able to prepare for things that could occur and have a plan of how you want to respond to events. This could be as simple as having a repair kit in the car to get a flat tyre or preparing for an interview and the questions that might be asked during the interview process.

Part of living life is that things always change. Change is normal. As you will have an impact perceive something as react to it. This is where the fight or flight response occurs. You can choose to be proactive and address the situation. Making a choice to deal with things when they happen. Or you can spend a lot of energy avoiding problems and allowing them to build. Acting actually help reduce stress and anxiety in the long run. In addition, there will be a sense of empowerment as you start to deal with problems as they arise. Trust your intuition and creativity all modes of thinking we could solve the problem at hand. Even if you try to tackle a problem and fail, you can then view this as a temporary setback. Review what has happened and try to approach it differently. Failures may be temporary. Find that your friends are and develop a support system. Another option is to ask for advice in order to have someone who is impartial, as part of your support system. You do not have to always take care of the problems from her. Ask your friends, advisers or other support people who think that a situation. They may have ideas that you would not think for themselves. Learning to deal with problems that occur will help to change the perception of things to issues challenges. This will continue to help you build your sense of self-esteem and empowerment. By identifying the challenges as they occur, the development of a plan to cope with the challenge, asking others to their point of view, act and maintain the objective to focus on which you are working towards help strengthen your resistance.

Steps to reduce stress

Each of us is a unique individual and we all have different experiences throughout our lives, that influence our perception. What could be a stressful event for a person, it can not be considered as stressful for someone else. In addition, some activities are more stressful than others. Self care including eating well and getting enough sleep are important to reduce stress. Make time to make prevention activities is relaxing to reduce stress overload. Relaxation is important, but there is no one right way to relax. Some people believe that going to bed or the beach is relaxing. Others choose to be involved in a fun activity or hobby as a way to relax. The goal is to find a business that allows you to escape from everyday problems and concerns. There is no right way to do it. Relieving stress can be done by meditation, or to exercise an activity. Make time to take care of themselves is a priority which helps reduce stress overload.

As you focus on making positive change in your life, which will help to reduce the stress and anxiety of being forgive yourself, if not to solve the problem immediately. Be critical of yourself is very easy to do, especially when people close to you have been critical of you for a long period of time. Item criticism that can be very powerful when not get it right the first time. One suggestion is a positive response to the changes that you are trying to do is to be forgiving you, when things do not go quite as planned. These are some suggestions that might work or have to do with yours.

 "As things develop, I would like, through listening driving my unconscious, to adapt to changing circumstances and grow with them."

 "I can not get what I want when I want, I hope that things work in their own good time for my last advantage, as long as I remain calm and peaceful."

 "I can not get what I want at all, and yet, and the remaining calm and careful, I can find something else that I need even more than what I thought I wanted."

How do you perceive a situation will affect how to respond. If you choose to tackle this problem or to prevent it. If you have a negative perception so it is more likely to experience anxiety, and not being able to care effectively the problem. This will then reinforce that you have no control over the outcome and to reinforce the perception of being helpless. On the other hand, a positive perception will help you to find a way to meet the challenge we are presented with. If you choose to take responsibility for your feelings and actions were therefore more likely to have a positive outcome. To reinforce the sense of resistance and empowerment. Breaking old patterns of behavior is difficult, especially when you try to do it alone. Being willing to look at themselves and identify changes do require a lot of energy and time. The more effort you put in a positive change of lifestyle, the greater the feeling of achievement is experience. Develop a support system, if your family, friends or a counsellor. Having someone who helps you make a positive change to increase the likelihood that change will be long-term, rather than temporary.