I Think I Can. I Think I Can. Can I?


by: Michele Wahlder

I think I can. I think I can. Can I?

Your mental train ticket to self-empowerment

We all find ourselves at certain points in our lives holding first class tickets to negative mental trains of thought. Michele Wahlder (MS, LPC, PCC), a two-time cancer survivor and Dallas, Texas-based Certified Life Coach and Psychotherapist, has placed thousands of people on the right track to self-empowerment via a plan she calls the 5 C Process. The journey challenges individuals to:


Clarify Current View – Where are you now- honestly?

Conscious awareness of your current view is the first step in becoming the best you can be. Getting clear about how your life aligns with your values, talents and unique gifts is vital to your happiness. You need to know where you are in order to learn where you want to go.

You can clarify your current view by completing a review of eight life areas. Be honest with yourself about how happy are you with your profession, finances, health and overall well-being, primary relationships, personal development, spirituality, environment, hobbies, etc.


Connect with Your Highest Vision – Where do you want to be?

Example: A client of mine, a yoga instructor, decided she was happy teaching but wanted to contribute to the world on a larger level. She wasn’t happy with the quality of the yoga clothing that was accessible to her and her fellow yogis. Her vision was to design and create fun, hip and timeless yoga clothes using eco-conscious fabrics.

You have to get really clear about what you want. It is crucial that you connect to your highest vision of yourself because you can’t create it unless you are clear about what it looks like. If you don’t have a vision of where you want to go or what you want to be, you will most likely NOT get there. To quote Henrietta Klauser, “If you have a connection to what you want, take the next step and write it down.” If you don’t have any idea about what you want, or how you want to be in life to bring about greater happiness, begin looking through magazines and create a Vision Board/Collage of what attracts you. You may also want to consider getting an outside perspective from a friend or a professional coach. I take my clients through a guided imagery that gives them a glimpse of what their future could look like. There are also books that can help guide you. Just get help assessing your talents, divine gifts and abilities and then determine how you want to use them more fully in the world. We can’t help others as fully, if we are not aware of how we can best serve. So instead of thinking of it as selfish to engage in knowing yourself better, I would suggest you consider it selfish to hold back and not be the best you can be. Only in this way, can we help the world and others.


Create Inspiring Goals – How will you get there?

Example: My client created a tiered plan of what needed to happen step by step – outer goal. All of this was influenced by her inner goal of keeping a measured pace and a balanced life. Her goal was to enjoy the process.

You have to create a plan and take specific actions to get you from where you are now to where you want to be. When most people write goals, they just write a list of action steps, usually external actions. I believe it is more powerful to have inner and outer goals. An outer goal is what you want. For instance, you might think, “I want a new house”. An inner goal is more focused on the how. How will a new home benefit me and my family? Will it offer more common gathering areas, a larger kitchen so that we can cook together, etc.? How can I appreciate what I have now until I get this home? How can I make this a joyful experience rather than a stressful one? If you can not be grateful for what you have now, then when you get a new home, it will only create very short-term happiness for you. Then, you will be focused on the next external illusion of happiness. For 2008, I suggest taking at least three of the life areas I mentioned earlier and jot down how you couldbenefit from living your highest vision in each area. Next, add action steps toward your desired achievements along with completion dates.


Clear Obstacles – How will you remove obstacles in your way?

We all have dreams and visions for our life, but frankly, there are many things that can get in the way. The two most common obstacles I see with my clients are:

The inability to say NO— In order to bridge the gap from your current view to your highest vision, you have to make room for what “Could Be”. If your life is full and you want to add more of the things that are truly important in your life, you should start the change process by making room first. You must say no to some things in your life, so you can say yes to what is most important. You have to give up the destructive habits, behaviors and activities to make room for new ones.

A metaphor would be a water hose watering a flowering plant. The water in the hose is your life force and the flowering plant is what you are trying to grow in your life. If the water hose has leaks, it will not have enough water or life force/energy to reach its desired outcome or vision (to grow the plant into full bloom). Examples of leaks might include toxic friendships, unrealistic expectations, watching too much television, eating sugar, overspending, negative relational patterns with your spouse or working on an outdated job.

Example: A client’s obstacle here was that her 8- year-old daughter needed caring for and she was afraid she wouldn’t be able to be a good mother plus jumpstart a successful, new business. We remedied this issue by getting clear on the proper definition of a good mother. Also, practically speaking, she needed help picking up her daughter from school. So she got her husband to assist her in this area so she would have time to create this new business.

Negative self-talk—Research shows we have approximately 50,000 internal messages we say to ourselves daily. We are constantly walking around having conversations with ourselves. And it is what we say that makes all the difference in the overall quality of our lives.

Example: I was once in Starbucks, and I watched this woman spill her coffee while reaching for a sugar packet and I heard her say out loud, “I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I did that.”

Now, I just happen to hear her, but this is an example of something you might say internally as well. You might think, “No big deal. I say things like this to myself all the time.” Well, IT IS A BIG DEAL as our subconscious hears these messages and acts on them as if they were real. Don’t say anything to yourself that you wouldn’t want someone else saying to you.

Think of self-talk like mental fuel. Now, imagine filling your car with dirty water. We all know you wouldn’t get very far. Now, take that same car and fill it with high quality gasoline. You’ll most likely reach your destination. It is the same with people and the words we use. If the words are negative and toxic, we will sputter along with low energy and our performance suffers. If our words are positive and tender, we will feel confident, energized, encouraged and will most likely meet our goals faster and easier. Here are some key things to remember if you ever find yourself preparing to board the train of BAD self-talk:

B– stands for belittling self-talk. Stop telling yourself, “I am not good enough.” If your dream is to have a healthy self-confidence, which of the following examples is more likely to get your there:

A. “I’m so stupid. I can’t believe I did that.”

B. “Whoops, mistakes happen.”

Can you see how the Answer B is much kinder?

A – stands for awfulizing. Stop predicting a future filled with gloom and doom, and dwelling on scary thoughts. If you dream of obtaining a career you love, which of the following will move you closer to your vision:

A. “I did terribly on my interview, I’ll never find a job I like.”

B. “I will answer that question on past employment differently next time and I will ace it! I know I will one day have the job I love.”

Can you see how Answer B places you in the mindset of a successful job search?

D – stands for deceiving. This is when you deceive yourself into thinking you are a victim, and that other people are to blame for your circumstances. If we want a happy relationship which will of the below responses will aid in achieving this goal:

A. “If my spouse would only do more around the house, then I would be happy.”

B. “I can and will choose happiness today, no matter what my spouse does.”

Answer B is the right choice, wouldn’t you agree?

S – stands for shoulding – This is when you give yourself a lot of shoulds, musts, and ought tos, then beat yourself up for not living up to unrealistic standards. Say your dream is to be in top physical condition, which will further that:

A. “I should have eaten a salad for lunch instead of that big ol’ hamburger. I’m such a pig!”

B. “I could have eaten a salad, but I chose not to. Tomorrow I will make healthier choices.”

The second choice is so much more inspiring, don’t you think?


Commit to Action – Are you willing to do what it takes?

The final step of the 5 C Process is to commit to action. How many times have we all made plans and never carried them out, or started off excited and lost motivation? No one ever does anything great alone. We all need encouragement and support from others including an accountability partner who is willing to help hold the vision of the person you want to be. In the previous example of my client, her biggest negative self-talk was how to be a good mom and a good business woman. Her thoughts were, “If I don’t pick up my child every day from school, I am a bad mother.” Instead, we replaced it with, “Picking up my child from school daily is not what makes me a good mother. I am, indeed, a fabulous mother.”

Here are the four action steps that have been proven to help you eliminate your negative self talk:

• Become aware of your negative messages –listen to voice in head

• Stop! You have to stop immediately if you find yourself dwelling on any negative thoughts

• Replace negative thoughts with a kinder alternatives

• Practice. It takes a commitment of time in order to turn a pattern of negative thinking into a more positive train of thought.


How to make many friends easily


How to make many friends easily..
Ivan Campuzano

With every goal you have in life, people will always be a critical part of it. How fast you reach your goals depends on how well you deal with people and the level of influence you have on them. In order to really influence people you must become a person who is likable. How do you become likable? You must have a sincere interest in other people. Every person on this earth wants to feel important, so you need to treat everyone with the up most importance, because they deserve it. Remember no one is better than you and you are not better than anyone, we are all human beings who deserve the same amount of respect.

Becoming Likable:

Setting the Stage

Your goal in meeting people should be to consciously be the first to initiate and set the stage for conversation. Most people are hesitant to be the first, don’t be like most people step out of your comfort zone. I know that if you are a shy person that this can be one of the hardest things for you to do, but the more you do it, the more you condition your self for it to become second nature. As a small kid I used to be really shy but I noticed that the kids that where outgoing tended to be the happier kids so I began to step out of my comfort zone and now I feel I can walk up to almost anyone. This is going to take time; things don’t happen over night but don’t let this discourage you. Many people feel that for you to become proficient in something takes around five years. Don’t waste anytime, start today and each day after that will get easier. Each different experience will later serve as a reference to remind you, that you can approach almost anyone. By being the first to initiate conversation you also automatically have a certain degree of control, you are able to draw people into your own rhythms. Have you ever noticed how persuasive people are able to seduce you to their ways, dictating your body language and basically synchronizing it to theirs? This is because people naturally imitate other people as a way of communicating with the other person. So if you are the first you get to decide what angle to approach. So if the person you are approaching appears sad, approach them with a big confident smile. Odds are they will slowly begin to smile; you will automatically change their mood. Now you will have a better chance of having a better conversation.

In setting the stage you will need to train your self to pick up any subtle signals that the person you are approaching is giving off. With time you will be able to sum up a person in a blink of an eye and from what your subconscious catches use it help you set the stage. This will require you to have an open mind and immerse your self in as many different worlds/cultures as possible. That’s why I never limit my self to one particular set of friends. I have friends from all sorts of backgrounds. I have friends who are skaters, basketball players, artists, musicians, writers, etc. By having so many friends with diverse interests I quickly learn about their worlds. By knowing what kind of stage to set up you will know how to get the other person to think very highly of you. For example by being observant you will catch the subtleties in the way a person appears to be (The way he is dressed, body language, tone of voice, language, etc.) which will help you to imagine placing your self in there shoes. By really imagining what being that person is like it will give you a good idea of how he/she is feeling. This in turn helps you get a better idea of what appproach to use when trying to communicate effectively with them. When I am able to pick up persons subtleties I will know what topics, questions, and general things that appeal to them which gives me information to work with in the process of winning that person as a friend. Like if know this person is really passionate about cars, I will ask a question with the minimum knowledge I have about something that he knows or thinks he knows a lot about.

Now you set the stage for Mike who will love to tell me exactly why the Mitsubishi EVO is better. When someone is knowledgeable about something it’s in their nature to tell you because it is one more opportunity for them to show how great or smart they are. You have to cater to their ego and never test or contradict their ideas, because their ego will not accept someone who is supposed to know less tell them they are possibly wrong. If I would have told him that I heard that the Subaru WRX is better, we would have just gotten in an argument that he would not have backed out of. But I didn’t and now they will love me for it, because I was taking interest into what he enjoys.

Body Language

Whenever you approach someone for the very first time your body language will do most of the talking and the other person will immediately have a first impression of you. So you must always be aware that whatever you say your body is also in agreement. If you say one thing and your body says the opposite you will come out as someone fake. We have all seen the girl that walks up to another girl and says “I’m so happy to see you…how you been?....you look so good…” but their body language is saying “what are you doing here….I’m not really listening to what your saying” this is easily seen and can be one of the rudest things you can do in trying to make new friends. Always approach someone with open gestures and a smile. If you approach someone with crossed arms, this will automatically make the other person defensive and question your motives. Approach them with open arms and a gentle smile, smiling is infectious if the other person has a stern look on their face the moment youapproach them with a smile you will gradually notice that they will smile too. This usually sets it up for a good conversation because both people are in good moods. Try this - if you’re in a neutral mood right now, put a big smile on your face for no reason if you pay attention you can feel your body changing and your mood immediately start to change. People who are in good moods will place a lot more importance to what you have to say.

Questions and Listening

Your next goal is to sincerely try to find out as much as you can about the person. Ask quality questions; find out what is important to the person, goals, beliefs, interests, etc. The key is to be sincere so the person feels comfortable and is more likely to open up. Try to have a calm demeanor refrain from being overly eager as this might scare the person. You must be able to match the mood of the person. If the person is excited to tell you a story you must become excited as well. If the person is telling you a sad story you must show sincere empathy. Be open minded and really listen to the person.

Listening: Try to listen at least twice as much as you talk. Listening requires more than just pretending to listen or simply hearing a person talk. Listening and hearing are two completely different things and the person can tell if you’re really listening to them, or simply hearing them speak. Being a good listener is a skill, you must become an active listener. Remember this is all about the other person, who cares if you don’t get to talk about your self. In the end the other person will love you for it. They will tell their friends

“Man I really enjoyed talking to that person”….why is that? Was he a very interesting person? “You know what…I really don’t know why…I really don’t know much about him”

This shouldn’t bother you because in the end you greatly benefited from the situation as well. If you’re an effective listener you will gain a better understanding of that person’s thoughts, perspectives, feelings and actions. You have to remember that most people would rather talk than listen, but most of the time this person is not very influential. Take this as an opportunity to become more persuasive and influential.

Sometimes the problem with most people is that listening to them doesn’t have much value. They feel that in order to get people to like them they must do a great deal of the talking. Think about that for a minute, how do you like it when another person is talking so much that when you try and say something they still keep talking. You eventually quit listening to that person because you got to annoyed. Now sometimes you don’t need to do most of the listening, you constantly need to evaluate the situation. Sometimes people really want to hear what you have to say. In this situation still try and get the other person involved and flip around the question that they just asked you.

People who talk too much

1. People always talk about them behind their backs

2. In group settings they feel they always need to say something just to feel like they are contributing.

3. Usually have very big egos

4. They ask questions that they already have the answers too

5. Because they are so focused on having something to say aren’t even listening to what someone is saying.

People Who Listen Effectively

1.Get the whole picture, than they can act accordingly.

2.Everyone loves a good listener so you will make tons of friends.

3.No one talks bad about you, who ever said “man that kid just loves to listen too much”

Good listening is going to really take effort. The reason is that people can think a lot faster than people can speak. What ends up happening is that you begin to think of other things as that person is speaking. Than you become consumed with those thoughts. Next thing you know the other person asks you “So than do you think I did the right thing”. You weren’t listening so you have no idea what to say. This is one of biggest turn offs in trying to become friends with that person.

Things to avoid when Listening

Don’t Interrupt

Because you have the upper hand by thinking faster than someone who is speaking, you will become tempted to interrupt. Don’t because the other person will get the feeling that you don’t care what they are saying and want to bring back the topic of conversation to you. The other person might also have great momentum going in telling you a story, but when you interrupt them their story doesn’t carry as much feeling when they go back to speaking. You also show that you are one of those people who enjoy speaking more than being a good listener. When you interrupt you are also making assumptions of what you think the other person is about to say. This might cause you to miss out completely different information. Because you interrupted them the other person might not even want to continue telling you about it.

Don’t Finish Other Peoples Sentences

Don't Offer Advice too Soon

Compliments + Appreciation

The way to make people feel important is through sincere compliments and appreciation. Most people go out their way to do something, to get other people to notice them, yet most people don’t. Get in the habit of noticing the little things about people. In the end the little things are what matter and what end up making a person unique so pay attention. Next time you see them, be the first to give them a sincere compliment on something even as simple as their hair cut. By making other people feel good about them selves you should also feel good for doing it, it’s a win win situation.

Many times people walk around with the mentality that other people owe them something, nobody owes you anything. Whenever anybody does anything for you show your appreciation and let them know you don’t take anything for granted. Be spontaneous get the person a small gift when they don’t expect it.


Once you find out what is truly important to someone you must provide encouragement. Everyone has dreams and aspirations. Be the one who encourages them to pursue their goals. Any insight or information that’s empowering will provide a boost to their confidence. Most people are so afraid of failure that they will not pursue their goals. They will give you all the reasons why their goals are out of reach. Your goal should be to switch their focus on the negative reasons to the ways how they can make it happen. You have to remember that whatever we focus on becomes our reality, so when you focus only on the negative aspects that’s all you will see. When they give you a reason why they can’t do it, ask them if that’s really a reason or a mere excuse. If they are excuses show them how destructive it is to be in this mental state. Make them realize that all their hopes and dreams are in danger all because of petty excuses. One of the best feelings you will get in dealing with people, is when you get another person excited about his goals or ideas. Now that the person is excited you need to point them in the right direction. Help them research the world they want to be in; find out as much relevant information. Help them create a plan and deadlines that will help them reach their goals. Start with small attainable goals, this will help them gain momentum and than move onto more challenging goals. By being active in the whole process you will build a deeper and more influential relationship with that person. He will not see you as a mere friend but as an ally in their journey to success.

Plan and Organize Social Events

One of the best ways to develop a meaningful experience with someone is through a social event. Whenever you participate in an event or trip your relationship with those people will become even greater. When I studied abroad in Prague I have never developed such strong relationships in such a short amount of time. I met people from all over the world and on the weekends we would take trips to other countries. On these trips I made incredible bonds, because everyone was on an adventure of experiencing new things together. Experiences are always magnified with more people involved. Just think about when you are watching a funny movie all by yourself you begin to laugh but than realize no one is there to enjoy the moment with you and your experience is quickly diminished .

I hope all these pointers will help everyone become more influential, take care and much success to everyone!


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Finding most Imprtanly


After following training of leadership regarding What Most Important, a executive deliver letter to office of Franklin Covey in United States. Its contents enough inspire, in consequence I wish to write down its citation to You is all. '' I follow training of You one year then. Previously insane me that what me do every day shall be relied on my values. Finish training of me start to see through my values and look for what primal for me. In course of contemplation I find that all important is my son which have age 8 year. I conscious not yet disturb his. In consequence, since last year I set mind on to concentrate to him.'' This executive later;then narrate some pleasant occurrence which he experience of with its child. In third page;yard its letter is he tell, '' Last week, my child that pass away because accident of traffic. I are lugubrious because losing of beloved child. But I at all do not feel guilty. For the first time my feel a mind calmness which in. Thank. You have change my life.'' all important Step in life to find what most important. over busy many people, forget to contemplate what in fact they look for. They do indistinct something that its target. They do so much unimportant matter and sacrifice the essentials. Life is true the full of deceptive easiness. In consequence, before succeeding to find all important, you'd assume important all the things. As a result, have never enough time to do altogether.

One who do all important matter in life ever formulate the intention of any which is done. More than that, You need to write down the the target clearly. Is important, because many matter can bother and turn You of target initially. This one of the example. As Your parent say that all Your action for the shake of bliss of the child. Because, the target have never been written down clearly, finally which You do non for the bliss of them, but for Your own bliss. There is marked child paint and want to be artist of name, but its father wishing him become engineer. ''Become artist do not be prestigious and do not guarantee your life later,'' its father word. This child succeed to pass, but do not hanker to learn and work in that area. Unconsciously the the father have shifted from target initially. Even to have the day off even also we need to write down the target of us. Possible You comment, '' Busy why very busy?, aren't we wish easy growingly.'' You is wrong! Formulating the target of clear exactly will facilitate You create pleasant vacation. A closed friend at one time have the day off to Yogyakarta. Coincidence he have learn there. Reach Yogya he later;then contact friends of the duration so that his occupied by event '' reunion,'' whereas wife and his child's let to live in hotel. Finally vacation exactly create communications difference in family.

A other closed friend have also experienced of unflattering vacation, because tempted by '' efficiency.'' With reason of thrift, he do not live in hotel have star, although in fact its adequate budget enough. To its family is he spell out members, '' Make what pay for costly hotel, nothing other than only making sleep.'' Vacation atmosphere become less pleasant. Target of vacation for relaxation and create harmonious relation in family progressively far from fact. Such obsessions will ever You experience of in that life.Because aimlessly which is formulated clearly very easy we turn and also avoid target initially. To be able to be successful in life You have to find what most important. I wish to invite You conceive definitive one day you Will pass by. In that day You see yourself lying in room fulfilled by friend and consanguinity. This is day funeral of You. They were all fulfill Your house to express its appreciation to You. Each one bring separate memory hit You. That drawn from their face each. Your Corpse before entombed by some from them asked to submit '' brief oration'' hitting You. Try You contemplate in. What You wish to be each that speaker converse to hit You? Old fellow kinds of what is You? Husband / wife kinds of what is You? Child like what? You kinds of what? Friend work like what? Neighbor kinds of what is You? Try to contemplate scenario above in. Afterwards formulate and write down what earning You do so that they were all have circumstantial impression to Your life. That's target of You. Thereby You'd understand what is necessary and what this insignificant in life.


The Downriht and The Braveman


A king entering dusk age wish to look for its substitution. Differ from habit, he do not show assistant and also children closest its. He exactly call young man on that country and orate before them. "I will perform a contest. All of you all will get a seed. Plant this seed, take care of, and return one year again with crop all of you each. To owning best crop will be direct I show to become king replace me!" A so called young man Badu seen enthusiastic very. He plant that seed, and him every day. But until one month elapse not yet grew something. After 6 months, all young man start to discuss their crop growing is high, but pot of Badu still is empty. Badu do not tell any at its friends. He remain to await its seed grow. One year elapse. All young man bring its crop to king. Initialy Badu shy at, but its mother pushing him go and converse are there him. King greet all young man as great as praising crop which they bring. " Activity all of you excruciatingly. Crop all of you beautiful unbelievableness him. I will show a from all of you become new king!"

Sudden king which see Badu stand up rear calling him. Panic Badu, "I don't will be murdered," think him. riotic Cash atmosphere with attendant gibing and jeer witness its empty pot. " Keep quiet altogether!" call loudly king. He turn around at Badu, later;then announce, " This is new king all of you!" All surprising. How can one who fail becoming king? King continue, " One year ago, I give all of you a seed to be planted. But which I give seed which have been cooked and cannot grow. All of you all have changed him with other seed. Only Badu owning SINCERITY and BRAVERY to bring pot with seed which I give. In consequence him which I lift to replace me! There are 2 important word able to be taken away from story above is. First, sincerity. This is behavioral base of someone. In Prophet era, there is a which ask apology and wish to arrange itself. just simple Prophet Tips: " Don't Lie!" This People like because Prophet do not prohibit other things. " If merely don't lie easy," think him. Hence he even also conduct what habit doing of. He will steal, but think, " How if my neighbor ask my estate?" He cancel its intention. He wish corrupt, but think, " How if waiting my family ask where me go?" Again he bracket his intent. That is further. Each;Every wishing to do immoral he cash canceling it.

Become sincerity will bring elementary change itself of someone. But without bravery, sincerity of never bring change to throng. Sincerity only yielding follower is not leader. To be able to change society required bravery. Its problem, from such coming of bravery? Bravery come if we can conquer to have cold feet. Have cold feet this is source of all kinds of badness in this world. The example, angry feeling. In fact, only if You feel to fear you'd fulminate. Try to contemplate last when Your times;rill fulminate. Going on Your contemplation. Trace to have cold feet which hidden at the opposite of engagement of You. What frightful You lose and snatched from yourself? Fear that's making You fulminate. Have cold feet existing indicate that we not yet is self-supporting. Bliss and our security still coming from something outside our self's!


The Special Olimpiade


Some years ago, performed a special olympiad defect people in Seattle. That Moment conducted contest run distance 100 metre. Nine runner have stood by in place start each. When sign pistol contest of start, they were all run, imprecise to even reside in its trajectory line, but altogether run with happy face go to line of finish and out for win contest. Except, a runner, son, sudden stumble and fallen down roll over several times. He then weep. Eight runner hear son weep that fallen down. They then slow down to run them and look back. They were all return and run to go to son which fallen down that land;ground. Altogether, without aside from. A girl which girding situated behind handicap bounce to bow, giving a kiss to [him] and say, "Hopefully this make you feel betterly." Ninth later;then that runner each other walking arm in arm, walk with finishing contest go to line of finish. Entire/All audience exist in that stadium stand up, giving cladding during some llama. They who reside in there just that moment still do not tire of him continue this occurence. Your soybean cake why? Because in our inmost x'self of us know that: in life this there's nothing much more valuable than victory for us all. all important in life [is] each other helping each other to reach for victory, even we have to give in and alter ourselves.


Menuju Keindahan dan Kebahagiaan, Stop Comparing!


Ini bercerita tentang tokoh asal Timur Tengah, Nasruddin.
Suatu hari, Nasruddin mencari sesuatu di halaman rumahnya yang penuh dengan pasir. Ternyata dia mencari jarum.Tetangganya yang merasa kasihan, ikut membantunya mencari jarum tersebut.Tetapi selama sejam mereka mencari jarum itu tak ketemu juga.

Tetangganya bertanya, "Jarumnya jatuh dimana ?"
"Jarumnya jatuh di dalam," jawab Nasruddin.
"Kalau jarum bisa jatuh di dalam, kenapa mencarinya diluar ?" tanya tetangganya.

Dengan ekspresi tanpa dosa, Nasruddin menjawab, "Karena di dalam gelap, di luar terang."
Begitulah, perjalanan kita mencari kebahagiaan dan keindahan.

Sering kali kita mencarinya di luar dan tidak mendapatapa-apa.Sedangkan daerah tergelap dalam mencari kebahagiaan dan keindahan,sebenarnya adalah daerah-daerah di dalam diri. Justru letak 'sumur'kebahagiaan yang tak pernah kering, berada di dalam. Tak perlu juga mencarinya jauh-jauh, karena 'sumur' itu berada di dalam semua orang.

Sayangnya karena faktor peradaban, keserakahan dan faktor lainnya, banyak orang mencari sumur itu di luar. Ada orang yang mencari bentuk kebahagiaannya dalam kehalusan kulit, jabatan, baju mahal, mobil bagus atau rumah indah. Tetapi kenyataannya, setiap pencarian di luar tersebut akan berujung pada bukan apa-apa. Karena semua itu, tidak akan berlangsung lama. Kulit,misalnya, akan keriput karena termakan usia, mobil mewah akan berganti dengan model terbaru, jabatan juga akan hilang karena pensiun.

"Setiap perjalanan mencari kebahagiaan dan keindahan di luar, akan selalu berujung pada bukan apa-apa, leads you nowhere.Setiap kekecewaan hidup yang jauh dari keindahan dan kebahagiaan, berangkat dari mencarinya diluar".

Untuk mencapai tingkatan kehidupan yang penuh keindahan dan kebahagiaan seseorang harus melalui 5 (lima) buah 'pintu' yang menuju ke tempat tersebut.

Pintu pertama adalah stop comparing, start flowing.
"Stop membanding dengan yang lain. Seorang ayah atau ibu belajar untuk tidak membandingkan anak dengan yang lain. Karena setiap pembandingan akan membuat anak-anak mencari kebahagiaan di luar"

Setiap penderitaan hidup manusia, setiap bentuk ketidakindahan, dimulai dari membandingkan. Contoh Michael Jackson, sebagai orang yang sering kali membandingkan dirinya dengan orang lain.
"Uangnya banyak, mampu mengongkosi hobinya untuk operasi plastik. Sehingga orang yang hidup dari satu perbandingan ke perbandingan lain, maka hidupnya kurang lebih sama dengan seorang Michael Jackson. Leads you nowhere,"

Karena itu, saya mengajak pembaca ke sebuah titik, mengalir (flowing) menuju ke kehidupan yang paling indah di dunia,yaitu menjadi diri sendiri. Apa yang disebut flowing ini sesungguhnya sederhana saja. Kita akan menemukan yang terbaik dari diri kita, ketika kita mulai belajar menerimanya. Sehingga kepercayaan diri juga dapat muncul. Kepercayaan diri ini berkaitan dengan keyakinan-keyakinan yang kita bangun dari dalam. "Tidak ada kehidupan yang paling indah dengan menjadi diri sendiri. Itulah keindahan yang sebenar-benarnya !"

Pintu kedua menuju keindahan dan kebahagiaan adalah memberi.

Sebab utama kita berada di bumi ini, kata Gede Prama, adalah untuk memberi. "Kalau masih ragu dengan kegiatan memberi, artinya kita harus memberi lebih banyak, Saya melihat ada 3 tangga emas kehidupan. I intend good, I do good and I am good.
Saya berniat baik, saya melakukan hal yang baik, kemudian saya menjadi orang baik.

Yang baik-baik itu bisa kita lakukan, bila kita konsentrasi pada hal memberi,"
Memberi tidak harus selalu dalam bentuk materi. Pemberian dapat berbentuk senyum, pelukan, perhatian, dan setiap manusia yang sudah rajin memberi, dia akan memasuki wilayah beauty and happiness.

"Saya sering bertemu dengan orang-orang kaya. Ada yang suka memberi, ada yang pelit.Saya melihat orang yang tidak suka memberi muka orang itu keringnya minta ampun. Orang yang mukanya kering ini bertanya pada saya, apa rahasia kehidupan yang paling penting yang bisa saya bagi ke saya.Saya bilang : sleep well, eat well," Artinya memang, untuk ongkos untuk menjadi bahagia tidak mahal. Hanya saja orang sering kali memperumit hal yang sudah rumit. Kalau kita sederhanakan, sleep well, eat well akan jadi mudah jika diikuti dengan kegiatan memberi. "Tak perlu khawatir, setiap pemberian itu ada yang mencatat. Jika atasan Anda di kantor tidak mencatat pemberian Anda, ada 'Atasan Tertinggi' yang mencatatnya. Mirip dengan petani, orang-orang yang suka memberi akan memanen hasil-hasil yang diharapkan"

Cahaya di dalam pintu ketiga untuk menuju keindahan dan kebahagiaan adalah berawal dari semakin gelap hidup Anda, semakin terang cahaya Anda di dalam. Perhatikanlah bintang di malam hari tampak bercahaya, jika langitnya gelap.Sedangkan, lilin di sebuah ruangan akan bercahaya bagus, jika ruangannya gelap.

Artinya, semakin Anda berhadapan dengan masalah dan cobaan dalam hidup, semakin bercahaya Anda dari dalam. "Jika Anda punya suami yang keras dan marah-marah, jangan lupa mengucapkan terima kasih padaTuhan. Karena suami yang keras dan marah-marah, Anda punya istri cerewetnya minta ampun. Ucapkan terima kasih pada Tuhan, karena orang cerewet adalah guru kehidupan terbaik. Paling tidak dari orang cerewet kita belajar tentang kesabaran.Jika Anda punya atasan diktatornya minta ampun, itu sengaja ada yang kirim. Agar Anda belajar tentang kebijaksanaan,"

Orang yang pada akhirnya menemukan keindahan dan kebahagiaan, biasanya telah lulus dari universitas kesulitan. Semakin banyak
kesulitan hidup yang kita hadapi, semakin diri kita bercahaya dari dalam. Mengutip perkataan Jamaluddin Rumi,semuanya dikirim sebagai pembimbing kehidupan dari sebuah tempat yang tidak terbayangkan. "Tidak hanya orang cantik saja yang berguna, orang jelek juga berguna. Gunanya adalah karena orang jelek, orang cantik terlihat jadi tambah cantik. Jadi semuanya ada gunanya, untuk menghidupkan cahaya-cahaya beauty and happiness,"

Pintu keempat adalah surga yang bukanlah sebuah tempat, melainkan adalah rangkaian sikap. "Bila Anda melihat hidup penuh dengan kesusahan dan godaan,maka neraka tidak ketemu setelah mati. Neraka sudah ketemu sekarang,".Sedangkan Anda akan bertemu surga, jika hasil dari rangkaian sikap Anda benar.

Sikap ini dimulai dari berhenti mengkhawatirkan segala sesuatunya, dan coba yakinkan diri bahwa everything will be allright. Setiap kali kita beribadah,berdoa dan memuja Tuhan, tetapi setiap kali pula kita merasa takut. Padahal ketakutan adalah sebentuk ketidakyakinan terhadap Tuhan. "Kalau Anda berdoa tapi masih takut, mending jangan berdoa karena tidak yakin. Lebih baik Anda yakin, hidup ini berjalan sempurna, doanya pas-pasan tapi Anda yakin jauh lebih baik," kata Gede Prama.
"Segala sesuatunya menjadi baik-baik saja jika Anda mencintai yang kecil,"sambung konsultan manajemen yang dulu sempat terpikir untuk mengoperasi hidungnya yang besar ini.

Pintu kelima menuju keindahan dan kebahagiaan yakni tahu diri kita dan kita tahu kehidupan. Ada cerita tentang kumpulan binatang yang hendak bikin sekolah karena mereka tidak mau kalah dengan manusia. Semua binatang mengikuti kursus berlari, berenang dan terbang. Tetapi 11 tahun kemudian, binatang-binatang tersebut merasa lelahsekali.

Burung tetap hanya bisa terbang, ikan tetap hanya bisa berenang,dan serigala tetap hanya bisa berlari. Akhirnya mereka sampai pada sebuah kesimpulan, bahwa mereka harus tahu diri. Ikan mesti tahu diri hanya bisa berenang, burung mesti tahu diri hanya bisa terbang sedangkan serigala harus tahu diri hanya bisa berlari.
Sehingga, seperti hewan-hewan tersebut, manusia-manusia yang tidak tahu diri adalah manusia yang tidak pernah ketemu keindahan dan kebahagiaan.

Ada sebuah kalimat bijak ;
"Sumur kehidupan yang tidak pernah kering berada di dalam.Sumur ini hanya kita temukan dan kita timba airnya kalau kita bisa mengetahui diri kita sendiri," Seandainya diri sendiri telah ditemukan, maka artinya kita kemudian mengetahui kehidupan.


Cinta dan Waktu


Alkisah di suatu pulau kecil, tinggallah berbagai macam benda-benda abstrak: ada Cinta, Kesedihan, Kekayaan, Kegembiraan dan sebagainya. Mereka hidup berdampingan dengan baik.

Namun suatu ketika, datang badai menghempas pulau kecil itu dan air laut tiba-tiba naik dan akan menenggelamkan pulau itu. Semua penghuni pulau cepat-cepat berusaha menyelamatkan diri. Cinta sangat kebingungan sebab ia tidak dapat berenang dan tak mempunyai perahu. Ia berdiri di tepi pantai mencoba mencari pertolongan. Sementara itu air makin naik membasahi kaki Cinta.

Tak lama Cinta melihat Kekayaan sedang mengayuh perahu."Kekayaan! Kekayaan! Tolong aku!" teriak Cinta. "Aduh! Maaf, Cinta!" kata Kekayaan, "perahuku telah penuh dengan harta bendaku. Aku tak dapat membawamu serta, nanti perahu ini tenggelam. Lagipula tak ada tempat lagi bagimu di perahuku ini."

Lalu Kakayaan cepat-cepat mengayuh perahunya pergi. Cinta sedih sekali, namun kemudian dilihatnya Kegembiraan lewat dengan perahunya. "Kegembiraan! Tolong aku!", teriak Cinta. Namun Kegembiraan terlalu gembira karena ia menemukan perahu sehingga ia tak mendengar teriakan Cinta.

Air makin tinggi membasahi Cinta sampai ke pinggang dan Cinta semakin panik. Tak lama lewatlah Kecantikan. "Kecantikan! Bawalah aku bersamamu!", teriak Cinta. "Wah, Cinta, kamu basah dan kotor. Aku tak bisa membawamu ikut. Nanti kamu mengotori perahuku yang indah ini." sahut Kecantikan.

Cinta sedih sekali mendengarnya. Ia mulai menangis terisak-isak. Saat itu lewatlah Kesedihan. "Oh, Kesedihan, bawalah aku bersamamu," kata Cinta. "Maaf, Cinta. Aku sedang sedih dan aku ingin sendirian saja..." kata Kesedihan sambil terus mengayuh perahunya. Cinta putus asa. Ia merasakan air makin naik dan akan menenggelamkannya. Pada saat kritis itulah tiba-tiba terdengar suara, "Cinta! Mari cepat naik ke perahuku!" Cinta menoleh ke arah suara itu dan melihat seorang tua dengan perahunya. Cepat-cepat Cinta naik ke perahu itu, tepat sebelum air menenggelamkannya.

Di pulau terdekat, orang tua itu menurunkan Cinta dan segera pergi lagi. Pada saat itu barulah Cinta sadar bahwa ia sama sekali tidak mengetahui siapa orang tua yang menyelamatkannya itu. Cinta segera menanyakannya kepada seorang penduduk tua di pulau itu, siapa sebenarnya orang tua itu. "Oh, orang tua tadi? Dia adalah Waktu." kata orang itu. "Tapi, mengapa ia menyelamatkanku? Aku tak mengenalnya. Bahkan teman-teman yang mengenalku pun enggan menolongku" tanya Cinta heran. "Sebab," kata orang itu, "hanya Waktu lah yang tahu berapa nilai sesungguhnya dari Cinta itu ..."


Melawan Diri Sendiri


Kemenangan sejati bukanlah kemenangan atas orang lain. Namun, kemenangan atas diri sendiri. Berpacu di jalur keberhasilan diri adalah pertandingan untuk mengalahkan rasa ketakutan, keengganan, keangkuhan, dan semua beban yang menambat diri di tempat start.

Jerih payah untuk mengalahkan orang lain sama sekali tak berguna. Motivasi tak semestinya lahir dari rasa iri, dengki atau dendam. Keberhasilan sejati memberikan kebahagiaan yang sejati, yang tak mungkin diraih lewat niat yang ternoda.

Pelari yang berlari untuk mengalahkan pelari yang lain, akan tertinggal karena sibuk mengintip laju lawan-lawannya. Pelari yang berlari untuk memecahkan recordnya sendiri tak peduli apakah pelari lain akan menyusulnya atau tidak. Tak peduli dimana dan siapa lawan-lawannya. Ia mencurahkan seluruh perhatian demi perbaikan catatannya sendiri.

Ia bertanding dengan dirinya sendiri, bukan melawan orang lain. Karenanya, ia tak perlu bermain curang. Keinginan untuk mengalahkan orang lain adalah awal dari kekalahan diri sendiri.


Public Speaking - 9 Tips to Ensure That You Are Original


by: Tony Hall

When you come to the point of having to prepare a speech or presentation it can seem an incredibly daunting task. Clearly it is of upmost importance to prepare correctly and give the correct structure to your speech. Every good speech needs an opening that will grab everyone's attention and make them sit up and listen. It must flow beautifully, so that you carry the audience along with you. And it should have an effective close to ensure that they each take away something truly meaningful. But to be a genuinely effective public speaker your talk must be original!

When you make a speech you really should be talking about a subject in which you are interested and that you understand. That way your knowledge and enthusiasm will shine through. But sadly it's so easy to take short-cuts and to be lazy!

It's amazing how many people will take what they believe to be the easy route and "borrow" someone else's material. In fact there are books out there dedicated to providing speeches, such as those for the best man at a wedding. In some respects there's nothing wrong with those books but the speeches should only really be used as a guide to the structure that your own speech might take.

Similarly you can get hold of books full of anecdotes. These tales are fine but you should use them sparingly to get the best effect. A speech full of other people's anecdotes is not going to be a very good one. You may think using someone else's work will make you into a successful speaker, but the way to come across as someone who is truly confident and convincing is to be original.

Doing so is actually very easy and will probably be far more effective than spending hours searching for something someone else has written that is suitable for you. It can also make the whole process of planning, preparing and then making your speech much more enjoyable and fulfilling.

So here are some ideas for being original:

1) Think about what you want to talk about and then name your topic specifically. That will help you to focus on the subject concerned.

2) Write down everything you can think of that you currently know about it. Grab plenty of paper and simply put down everything that comes to mind, with no editing at this stage. You can sort it later.

3) Identify where there are gaps in your knowledge and then set about doing some research. There are masses of resources at your disposal to help you to gather information. Books, magazines, newspapers, videos and DVDs will all provide you with a source of useful data. And, of course, surfing the web will open up boundless new opportunities for adding to your knowledge of your topic.

4) Then systematically sort through what you have written and identify the key ideas. Then put them into a logical sequence.

5) For each idea create a key point. Do a little editing and discard anything that you consider not to be totally relevant.

6) Work around each point adding in additional elements including statistics, illustrations and maybe one or two of those anecdotes. Give interest and value to each part.

7) Remember to create an opening for the speech relating to the topic. You need to grab your audience's attention so a startling fact or a pertinent question is a good way to begin.

8) Equally, you need to end your speech effectively. So devise the close now so that you end with a call to action or a challenge for your audience to take away.

9) Then use the key points you identified to ensure you have a speech that flows and will hold your audience's attention, carrying them from the opening to the close.

Talking about what you know in your own words will always be far more rewarding and will be a real boost to your confidence. It will enable you to present yourself as a knowledgeable and convincing speaker. And it will ensure that anyone in attendance will find your talk an enjoyable and beneficial experience.

So go on, be original!




by: Loren Fogelman
What is the stress

Stress is a part of daily life. Everyone has stress. Some people seem to have more stress than others. Stress is a way of reacting to events in our lives. There are times when you might feel that too much is happening at once and feel overwhelmed. Other times, you feel the pressure of a deadline or time to implement and need to take care of something before it is too late. After having been in a similar situation before creating anxiety. How we perceive a situation will affect how we respond. There is good stress and bad stress.

Good stress can be a motivation. Knowing that you have an obligation to address and a calendar. What kind of stress are put into action in order to meet a deadline. Or there may be unexpected in a situation where you need to make a split second response in order to avoid danger. This could be slamming foot on the brake to avoid an accident. Forecast of a competition or performance will tension and nervousness before the event. This nervousness is due to an increased flow of adrenaline going through your body. Your body is preparing for the "fight or flight" syndrome. The release of adrenaline prepares your body to take measures to deal with the situation, including improved focus, strength, endurance and increased attention.

People have bad stress in their lives. If we perceive a situation as stressful or not depends on previous experiences. A person could see that in a world of multi-tasking job very stressful, feeling overwhelmed and becoming concerned about their work. Another person might find multi tasking fun because continue to stay busy and the time goes faster. Your body is able to cope with stress for short periods of time. When stress is Corsican that is facing a divorce or bankruptcy, and this can lead a person down. Long period of stress contributes to feeling tired, overwhelmed and contributes to lower immunity.

The body of the reactions to stress

Once you see something as stressful, whether positive or negative, your body reacts to this perception. The answer is a survival technique and a defence mechanism. The reaction is called "fight or flight" response. Whether it is to fight the aggressor or choose to flee from the threat. This includes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, sweat, hearing and vision are most acute in the hands and feet may be cold-blooded targets large muscles in preparation for a fight or to flee. Your body is being prepped to handle the situation. When the threat is more, your body returns to normal.

If your body has difficulty returning to normal after that experience stress overload. This is when you stress too much or are Corsican stress in your life and not be able to relax. Pressure in your life might be too intense or continue for too long without a break. People who have suffered trauma have probably overload of stress. If the trauma is not resolved so you may become hypervigilant, a sense of being too aware of possible danger. You may be "on guard". Overload stress has an effect on the emotional and physical body. This could include panic attacks, depression, sleep problems, namely the physical pain, headaches, allergies, as well as the abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Having unresolved trauma will effect his perception. Situations that may not have caused the tension before the trauma can have the ability to create anxiety after the trauma. Becoming aware of how he changed his perception and research support to address the trauma issue can be useful to reduce Corsican stress and reducing anxiety. Seeking advice that focuses on the perception contribute to cognitive decline hypervigilance and help reduce the risk to continue to be retraumatized. In addition, your body is the memory of the event as well. Being able to issue this reaction to the memory of the event from your body helps to reduce stress and overload trigger.

Stress and control

It helped to underline the desire to be in control. This includes not only control over yourself, but control over other people and the environment. Trying to control others and your environment, however, is impossible. You have only control over your thoughts and actions. In order to alleviate the stress and anxiety it is important to let go of things trying to control outside of yourself. We can not predict the future and is not able to control what happens next events. By focusing on future potential problems contributing to anxiety. On the other hand, people are able to prepare for things that could occur and have a plan of how you want to respond to events. This could be as simple as having a repair kit in the car to get a flat tyre or preparing for an interview and the questions that might be asked during the interview process.

Part of living life is that things always change. Change is normal. As you will have an impact perceive something as react to it. This is where the fight or flight response occurs. You can choose to be proactive and address the situation. Making a choice to deal with things when they happen. Or you can spend a lot of energy avoiding problems and allowing them to build. Acting actually help reduce stress and anxiety in the long run. In addition, there will be a sense of empowerment as you start to deal with problems as they arise. Trust your intuition and creativity all modes of thinking we could solve the problem at hand. Even if you try to tackle a problem and fail, you can then view this as a temporary setback. Review what has happened and try to approach it differently. Failures may be temporary. Find that your friends are and develop a support system. Another option is to ask for advice in order to have someone who is impartial, as part of your support system. You do not have to always take care of the problems from her. Ask your friends, advisers or other support people who think that a situation. They may have ideas that you would not think for themselves. Learning to deal with problems that occur will help to change the perception of things to issues challenges. This will continue to help you build your sense of self-esteem and empowerment. By identifying the challenges as they occur, the development of a plan to cope with the challenge, asking others to their point of view, act and maintain the objective to focus on which you are working towards help strengthen your resistance.

Steps to reduce stress

Each of us is a unique individual and we all have different experiences throughout our lives, that influence our perception. What could be a stressful event for a person, it can not be considered as stressful for someone else. In addition, some activities are more stressful than others. Self care including eating well and getting enough sleep are important to reduce stress. Make time to make prevention activities is relaxing to reduce stress overload. Relaxation is important, but there is no one right way to relax. Some people believe that going to bed or the beach is relaxing. Others choose to be involved in a fun activity or hobby as a way to relax. The goal is to find a business that allows you to escape from everyday problems and concerns. There is no right way to do it. Relieving stress can be done by meditation, or to exercise an activity. Make time to take care of themselves is a priority which helps reduce stress overload.

As you focus on making positive change in your life, which will help to reduce the stress and anxiety of being forgive yourself, if not to solve the problem immediately. Be critical of yourself is very easy to do, especially when people close to you have been critical of you for a long period of time. Item criticism that can be very powerful when not get it right the first time. One suggestion is a positive response to the changes that you are trying to do is to be forgiving you, when things do not go quite as planned. These are some suggestions that might work or have to do with yours.

 "As things develop, I would like, through listening driving my unconscious, to adapt to changing circumstances and grow with them."

 "I can not get what I want when I want, I hope that things work in their own good time for my last advantage, as long as I remain calm and peaceful."

 "I can not get what I want at all, and yet, and the remaining calm and careful, I can find something else that I need even more than what I thought I wanted."

How do you perceive a situation will affect how to respond. If you choose to tackle this problem or to prevent it. If you have a negative perception so it is more likely to experience anxiety, and not being able to care effectively the problem. This will then reinforce that you have no control over the outcome and to reinforce the perception of being helpless. On the other hand, a positive perception will help you to find a way to meet the challenge we are presented with. If you choose to take responsibility for your feelings and actions were therefore more likely to have a positive outcome. To reinforce the sense of resistance and empowerment. Breaking old patterns of behavior is difficult, especially when you try to do it alone. Being willing to look at themselves and identify changes do require a lot of energy and time. The more effort you put in a positive change of lifestyle, the greater the feeling of achievement is experience. Develop a support system, if your family, friends or a counsellor. Having someone who helps you make a positive change to increase the likelihood that change will be long-term, rather than temporary.


What You Want in Life


by: Tony Hall

Have you ever heard the old adage, "If you do not ask, you will not!"?

It is worthwhile to pay attention because taking too many of us are afraid to ask for things that we need to succeed in life. Put questions can open the doors and bring us the opportunities which undoubtedly are already out there. So why do we find it so difficult?

The chances are that if you go to a good school there were always encouraged to ask questions. If you are not well understood what the teacher was telling you the only way to do that was to ask the meaning. As a father I certainly encourage my children to ask questions, is the only way to learn.

But perhaps, like a child is easy to say that not understand and accept the fact that you do not know something. So it's easy to do something about it, ask for help and find a solution.

But, unfortunately, given that we stop asking the elderly! Perhaps it is because we believe that as adults we know what it means and how to do things and so we do not want to look foolish, especially in front of our friends, family and business associates.

Or maybe we just quit care enough to want to learn new things and gain new experiences. It 'sad, because when you get to ask you usually start to!

Certainly, we all ask for things every day. We when we go shopping, go to movies, or go to a restaurant. But we ask only for simple things!

Take the latest example. When Vai in a restaurant and see something on the menu that was unknown to ask the waiter what? Congratulations, if you do, but most people simply go over and stick with what they already know. This is a lost opportunity!

And how many times, when in a conversation with a group of people were told something that you do not understand? Rather than say, and ask for an explanation is easy to just stay calm and remain ignorant. Another wasted opportunity!

And 'true, it is not true? You just do not want to appear foolish.

Well it is time to change!

If you really want to move forward then you need to learn something new every day. You need to broaden their horizons, take on new experiences and find out everything you need to get where you want to be.

Then start asking. I ask what things mean, how, and, most importantly, to ask for things you want in life.

The fact is that one of the keys to a good conversation is to ask questions. People do not think you are dumb or get annoyed. Instead they'll warm to you and you will soon find that you are gaining all kinds of benefits. So, do not be afraid to raise questions. I call in particular on the topics that you need to know to help you reach your goals.

Ask why, I ask that, I ask what. All these questions will have people talking, and you soon begin to learn a lot of new facts and information. You'll acquire new knowledge and discover new opportunities that will bring success to your life. And never be afraid to ask for help.

So why not start now asking some 'research questions. Ask what you really want in life and what you have to do to get it. Search into finding what really bring happiness and fulfillment desired. Because if you do not know what motivates you and then you will not get to where you want to be.

Then ask, and very soon you will begin to "reach"!


Reconnection to Spirit


When was the last time you thought consciously spirit or soul aspect of your beingness? Information essential to seek spirituality requires this reconnection. Use your spiritual quest to expand their spiritual growth with a conscious and consistent association with you.

As children, we were born in this world in perfect balance in mind, body, the spirit is that we are. This is what I like to call the "love triangle". As we grow, develop and define the world, we become less and less influenced by our spirit. Why? Because, like all things in life, which becomes real in our lives is what we have our attention.

The world in which we live at this particular point in our evolution does not have a lot of time and our attention on the development of spirit. We are constantly conditioned to believe that our beingness is to be concerned primarily with our bodies and our minds.

Some people might say that is not true. One might say: "Look at all religions and how we are looking for the word of God through our religious teachings." There is much truth in this assertion, but what has been promulgated and what our attention is placed is the religion itself and not on our innate "spirit".

Religion becomes the message, and not the day to day without spirit of influence judgement or labels attached to it by each and every religion, according to his particular doctrine.

In order that our physical senses continually brings us a message that we identify as the most a body and a mind. We put our attention on this never-ending conditioning and become less and less influenced by the spirit of our beingness side.

The love triangle and adjust accordingly instead of perfectly balanced mind, body, the spirit is that we were when we entered this world of physical beginning with ourselves to see a different perspective.

There are still three to be a party and we will always be a part of three being. It is right that the "spirit" of our beingness has not received any attention, and is therefore less influential in the decisions and choices we make in our lives.

The result of this neglect of our spirit is the surprising revelation of how love, which is the heart of our beingness, atrophies and is less influential when we lose our spiritual influence.

Wow! This is a big Ah-haaaaa. Our love quotient is way when you lose the influence of our spirit. Somehow, a statement that makes total sense logically. Not only physical sense, but more importantly nonphysical sense.

The sense that comes from more subtle aspects of our beingness. The sense that comes from Triune relationships in our lives. Since superconscious, conscious and subconscious. From physical, nonphysical, and metaphysics. From Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. From the mind, body and spirit.

This is the nature of our beingness in the world in which we live today. This is what is not. " It is neither right nor wrong. It is simply "what is so".

The question we must ask ourselves is this: "But I need?"

Each of you must go inside of you and answer this question. Your answer will determine who chooses to be, and from that you will beingness things held to manifest the beingness that you choose.

Making an informed choice in this moment today "to be" more spiritual. All this is necessary to consciously allow your spirit to be an active participant in your decision-making process. Making yet that the choice of today and reap the benefits of that choice for the rest of your life.


Reach your Source!


What looks outside - dreams. Who looks inside - awakens. Carl Gustav Jung

The single most important thing you can do in your life is to connect with your source. Bigger everything that you want, in liaison with the source to develop a relationship with the Infinite Wisdom of the Universe. From stay in touch and there is the flow and everything is easily and quickly to you.

Have you heard say, go with the flow.

This does not mean follow the masses - which means connect with your source and go with its flow - that is unique to each and every one of us.

Where do you think you really come from? Your parents? Yes, you share their DNA - and your body comes from their membership. But where is which looks out from behind those eyes alive? In your cells and your DNA, the central nervous system? Do you live in mind? Are you your mind?

Have you ever noticed that when you experience something - a feeling - a moment - an event or circumstance - and that while you enjoy and participate in these things happen, that a part of you sits back and watches everything ?

Many call this the observer, the witness, your spirit, the soul, whatever name you choose - is the part of you that is always connected to the source - as witnesses back and everything. Your eternal being lies here and is always in direct communication with the source for the connection that you would not die.

If there are always connected - because we then connect? They confuse this for you? Yes, you are always connected with the spring, a period in which nothing can report north. But the part of you that is connected is not in your conscious mind.

When I speak connection with the source, I mean consciously. For too long we have done the part of our being that is linked to the source site and back of the bus. Like Mrs. Parks, once part comes when you simply can not be ignored take any more. What happens? Many things - your life falls apart, you get sick, things do not go your way - you lose your job, your lover, your home, what is life consuming.

Father Mother of God, your Being not stay in the back of the bus for a long - especially if something stirs in you - the sleeper must wake up. Yes, you can have everything you want - but not at the cost of your soul.

The relationship with the source is different for everyone. It does not believe in your spring source to empower your being. Nor can we say of another person as their relationship with the source is supposed to be. This is a very experienced individual. And 'the most intimate of relationships you can ever experience.

Source lets you never, ever is to you and not make you feel guilty. Source loves you unconditionally and always say yes to you - even if your faith is such that he feels the universe says no. The universe will support whatever you believe to be true.

An important fact to understand the universe always says yes, even when it perceives that it is not. When you have not experienced what you are experiencing is your faith in any way the universe says yes, arguing your not. By defining your world. Source not do it for you.

Source not your ego, your personality or any trait or characteristic of your being. Source is not your faith or religious structure of enterprises. It is the divine source infinite wisdom. And some call God, Energy, Allah, the Lord - is known by many names, or none.

You can ask the source of everything and will be answered. It responds by giving you a feeling. If you feel calm and peaceful - that is the answer - which can be interpreted as yes. If you feel more confused and in turmoil - this can be interpreted as no.

As you develop your relationship with your source is as a form of communication that works for her. There are no hard and set rules, and this is a very personal relationship - one that nobody, but it is the source and the parties.

A true story

I saw a woman of spirit leave his body. I have watched his death.

Eighteen I worked full-time in a nursing home as a nurses aid. Popolate with people in recent years, most of them lived the rest of their days in this small hospital, convalescent in La Mesa, California.

I worked the graveyard shift, eleven to seven pm Standing almost five feet eleven inches and, in general, is not afraid of too much, I worked this shift with three other women, all of them older and wiser than me. Seniors, great, and the black, non-intimidated-by-very-women, each in their own way took me under his wing and taught me my job.

Our job involved turning, changing, and for the care of these people. Many were in bed and broad request for assistance. We want to make our runs every two hours from the end of the hall and working towards the rear of the nurses station.

Very early one fall morning, at about three o'clock in the morning, the time has come to turn once again my patients, control and empty catheters, fluids and force anyone awake.

I pushed my cart piled high with incontinence pads, towels, and wash clothes at the end of the hall and ducked in the lane to my left. Each department hosted contained four beds with patients unable to communicate. In this particular department, every patient contained a tube inserted through their noses into their stomach for water and food.

I felt sad for these women, as I could never tell if they did not know what went on them.

Bed, bedsore, usually pretty hard, and locked in position on fetal parts, as patients lay eerily quiet as the room.

I entered the ward and heard immediately attracted over second bed on my right. The small lamp above the bed threw a cone of light directly above the head of Ellie. A small woman with short salt and pepper hair and drawn in fetal position on her left side, I knew I needed to turn his Corsican.

Inconsciamente I pushed the cart away from me, as I approached the end of his bed. I felt attracted just look at her. It felt like I just entered a church. A deep peace and tranquility cast upon her. I gently moved to the foot of his bed and put a hand on the footboard. Permanent, it is only about five metres tall and can weigh no more than eighty or ninety pounds soaking wet. A sheet of light and its covered deck.

I felt compelled to watch her - my eyes drawn to her feet. I can not tell you how, but something inside me knew only watch and took very gently and direct my gaze. I noticed something moving under cover from her feet so I focused my attention.

I saw a ripple to move her feet, her body slowly but steadily. I say ripple, because he felt non-violent. It 'been an effect and a cause in a constant fluid movement.

I have seen how this ripple crested its trunk and apparently disappeared, but in exactly the ripple of himself, left the crown of his head like a spiral of wispy-like cigarette smoke. It twisted gently to form a free corkscrew way, the definition of intent clearly its purpose, and who died in unique cone of light above his head.

I can not say that I felt surprise. Something inside me knew. The timing of the whole affair, complete with me pushing the cart part, in addition to walk gently until the end of his bed, and puts a hand on the footboard could not be more exquisitely timed, if it had been written.

The moment I hit the mark, the movement started.

While happened, I felt no fear. The moment I understood his death, in fact, crashed on me. He died, I saw. More importantly, I saw his spirit leave quietly and gently with a singular intent and purpose: he knew where to head. I felt the intelligence, I heard your awareness of me, and I heard her total lack of gender.

Children, the fear has driven me out of the room. I went across the hall to find one of the great black sisters with whom I have worked.

He ambled his way to the room with me in tow. I was behind her and used his body as a shield and we entered Ellie's room. He controlled Ellie's wrist, look at the time and said, "yep, you are dead".

He pulled Ellie's few things from the night stand drawers and them on the bed with her. He covered his head.

We closed all the doors along the corridor so that when the mortician come to you, no one would watch. I never told my staff this story. Not thinking he would believe me. He made such an impression on me that I promptly forgot the whole experience until I was in my thirty.

Through the years, I have lived in many different psychic readings and without fail, all shared with me, that I have the mental capacity. I have had many other experiences, however, nothing I saw a spirit like this straight - for the corner of my eye, yes. In reflection of mirrors, windows and other glass, yes.

The point I am making is this: more than one body, more of a personality or an ego, you are a child of God with an eternal spirit. Eternal. E-tern-al.

You come from the source, is a source to exist because, in one day to return to the source.

Critical to your well-being and for your efforts on this journey to create your reality, and learn how to become the real you - the divine son of the universe - the link with your source is a step needs to be done on their own.

This is a very personal journey, no man, woman or child can come between you and your Source. The death can not separate from your source.

Source is the very source of his being. The part of you that do not live in the physical realm - the part of you that keeps constantly twenty-four hour access to all things, known and unknown, seen and unseen stands a mere breath.

I read somewhere once that "God" - Spiritos - means to exhale - while "man" means inhale. The more close to the source you can get there?

Consapevolmente attach to your source. I give thanks to your source for the ability to breathe inbound and outbound. Start your day to give thanks for all things in your life, both wanted and unwanted. Write a list of five things you are grateful for each day and watch change your life!

We give thanks for everything that you can see, taste, touch, smell, hear, or sense, without your source for you does not exist.

Step outside, right this minute, if it is on your porch, your home, your slow, the yard, the front yard or on the road. Go outside and look up. Look at the sun or clouds, the moon and the stars and the invitation to tender has not done everything as a man. That, in its simplest form, is an expression of divine source.

And then realize that the Creator of all this - propels you, powers you, gives you to be on this planet. The same energy that has made the stars you did. The same energy that powers the world powers.

To quote Joni Mitchell, "are stardust, you are golden."

Are you less than any of these? You are loved. And we are known.

And 'Now is the time for you to know yourself.


The authority of Anticipation


As we rush around frantically preparing for the summer season we all have a sense of anticipation. Love or loathe Christmas that those of us who live in the western world are affected by it.

Anticipation has many forms. For children there is a wide eyed wonder how twinkly lights and colorful decorations appear overnight as if by magic. A visit to Santa's Grotto increases the sense that something really special is about to happen.

Children's belief in Santa is finally replaced with a strong sense of excitement for Christmas gifts that will bring morning. As we focus our older changes. For many adults the anticipation is focused on seeing their loved ones together. This can take a pleasant and positive sense of anticipation.

Much less on a positive note anticipation can be much less positive, anxiety about getting everything done in time, worry about the financial cost and bills that will follow in January. For some a sense of deep foreboding is a sense of fear held around management truculent teenagers or elderly relatives difficult, fuelled arguments for too long in a society of another and alcohol too.

For those of you who work long hours and are married with the work, at Christmas can be lonely. The vacuum left by the work allows enough time for you to recognize what you need to do something radical to your work life balance, but enough time to respond to resolve the problem before it is time to go back to work where it is once too busy to do everything possible to make any significant changes.

Negative anticipation has the power to ruin our fun. Concern of what could ever happen is such a waste, as alone so rarely change anything.

Developing the capacity of anticipation gives you the opportunity to take control of your personal and professional life in a very different way. If you want to start the extraordinary power of anticipation to read… ..

The power of anticipation is surprising. This is a responsibility we can learn and, when used on a regular basis that can optimize the resources available to you and helps you to manage your time efficiently. Change your mode of operation of a fire at a time that allows for strategic planning.

The strategies work, in every walk of life.

Think of a football match. If the disc passes the ball to the point where his team is when he starts the player has moved the shooting and therefore be wasted. All good players anticipate where their team will be and send the ball to that place. The competence to judge the speed and direction of the player.

In business success is closely tied to its ability to anticipate the market. The business hundred list published in the United States each year rarely has the same organizations in the top ten. I find it fascinating that many non-slip a few places, but disappear all together. Anticipation to buy raw materials and best price. The plan for spreading the workload over the years with minimal peaks and troughs of the workload. Appointment of staff can grow with the needs of the organization difficulties; anticipating training needs in order to avoid stagnation.

As leaders and managers the ability to anticipation begins with a clear and shared vision and translates into an action plan made feasible by well-trained people who know what is expected of them. The plan is dynamic, and there is a constant monitoring of performance based on the pursuit of growth and excellence. Time is made to look strategically at what is needed in the medium and long term and plans put in place to reduce risks and maximize performance.

As a member of the team must be clearly anticipating tuned to achieve the objectives of the team. People know what must be achieved and are looking at ways that we can make the most effective and efficient way possible. There is a constant curiosity about how things could be improved. Underlying the whole process is trust, good communication and a sense of contribution.

If you are always things to plan and the here and now, it is likely to be constantly chasing to catch up. I have been working with a new client, who is constantly late. He underestimate how long things will take, things often not for others, when probably have more spare time and finds it difficult to say no. It is stressed and feels overwhelmed by her life. She is very intelligent and caring for others has an interesting but challenging work, but not the time to organize their lives. The result is that it is constantly tired, sleeping badly and is constantly chases its tail. His story is not unique by any means.

Learning skills anticipation is incredibly useful if you want to take control of your life. Let me demonstrate what I mean by using the Christmas theme. I have three resources available to me - time, energy and money. All their resources are limited, even if other people can buy the time and energy with my money.

I love Christmas, but when I worked as Head Teacher I worked very long hours and a few weeks before Christmas were completely manic I needed to have all my attention on school and the time the term ended had little energy to spare. I wanted to enjoy my own way of Christmas had to find a way to make things work. Anticipation was the key. Although I no longer have the same pressure that surrounds Christmas benefits of applying the rules of anticipation are still incredibly useful.

I anticipated that I would give about 500 Christmas cards and would need plenty of wrapping paper, bows, ribbons and labels. I always bought these sales in January. They went to loft until November. Net income was a considerable financial savings.

My long list of people to buy for God includes seven children, five grandchildren, and a great Niece Nephew, brother, sister and partner, father and a bunch of friends. During the year, I have listened carefully and made note in the diary I feel if one of my "list" to quote something that could result in an appropriate present. I keep an eye on things during the year and if something catches my eye is bought and put away for Christmas. This can save significant time and energy to fight against the crowd of Christmas. I happen to miss them presents "a safe place" and not finding them until February or buying twice for the same person. I solved these problems by having a Christmas list on the computer, which is rapidly updated every year. Also helps me to monitor what I saw in the Corsican time. The advantage is that the spread of the financial burden and shopping lists last minute are kept to a minimum.

I used the same principle I use with papers when it comes to gifts. I try to handle as little as possible, so often wrap things batch before getting in the loft. They are put into "family" carrier bags and are ready to go just before Christmas.

Labels paper envelopes Christmas were computers, and updated in advance and Christmas cards for friends and family, staff, governors and those who have been associated with the school written into lots whist watching TV from November onwards. This made it much less of a nightmare. I was also careful to choose card designs, which required less written by me. I learned this the hard way have bought a set of cards a year that were blank for your message to make the work much more difficult.

I like to find fun, but I need a creative approach to make the whole thing as free of stress as possible. I cooked in advance, using the freezer to ensure that the next day I was still enjoying the festivities. For example, I prepared roast potatoes and parsnips in advance - parboiled, brushed with oil whist were still hot. I put on the cooker rays, cover with foil and freeze their once cool. Christmas morning off the film and pop into a hot oven frozen. You save the peeling, washing and the time until the morning allowing more time to enjoy your company.

The principle of looking ahead to see what it can be useful to advance priorities of the use of energy and time and money to break down jobs into manageable blocks applies to any context. (You can not eat a whole cow at one sitting, but it is easy to do if you face it bite by bite.)

Consider your life. Where you can use the ability to anticipate more effectively?


The authority of the Stipulation about the Failure


The Law of Attraction says that attract our lives to what we give our attention, energy and focus, whether wanted or unwanted, we attract from outside what resonate with, inside.

In other words, we bring into our lives that which currently focus heavily on.

For many people, when the first of the Law here Attraction the idea to bring everything you want in their lives sounds very exciting, "I can be and do whatever they wish," this is great, I want many , and all I have to do with them is to the universe.

Weeks pass and where are all my things? I placed my order and not have them yet!

What is with this law of Attraction, for my stuff and not only not lit, I am well Order or shall I not only a good attracter?

If we read the definition of the Law of Attraction again, we can see that we bring into our lives that which we give our attention, energy and focus, if wanted or unwanted!

But why should I give my attention, energy and focus on unwanted things, that does not make sense.

Ah, but it does, and we all do that. This is why things are not your raise.

When we look Cause and effect, we can see that the cause is our thought, and indeed our reality.

E 'in this reality today, possibly with debt, unhappiness and dissatisfaction that we concentrate on. If you are in debt you can know what you want and what you want to change, but your attention is the energy and saving money, spending less and no more bills! Your energy and your debt is focused on is not enough, and some guessed ', are getting exactly what you ordered.

We tend to live in fact, we experience the effects around us, we will see the effects, and when our focus and energy is in fact the law obliges us Attraction bringing more of that, it is a kind of cycle Reality of attraction.

It is no coincidence that someone experiencing illness, thinks and speaks more of this experience, and seems to have lost its fair share of diseases treated them. In a very similar way to someone who had an abusive relationship, seems to attract the same kind of abuse and any relationship they end up in.

Similarly, a 'success' the person who lives in positive and has plenty of life, with passion, bringing more and more of the same experience in their lives.

And 'success that people are not good at using the law of attraction and are not losing people, anyone with the ability to use these laws to think likewise. It's just that we tend to use attraction by default and the break we must learn to apply the Law of Attraction to bring us a more desired reality.

To change our present circumstances we have to change our thinking to succeed we must have the thought of success, the idea of success, the intention of success. We must conceive.

This is great, all I have to do is think to be rich and I will be OK!

Not so fast! Thoughts alone will not be enough to make you rich, you have to go towards the things you want.

We want success, you have to move towards it, you want the love you have to move towards it, if you have to give your attention and focus energy so that your wishes of the Law Attraction can line them for you.

But if I focus my energies on a new business what happens if everything goes wrong, that if I do not get the deal. In love, if what I am denied?

These are the thoughts that are moving forward, there is nothing wrong in being aware of the negative, but we should not let it define us. We need to walk towards our desires, whatever, and how we can move forward and make mistakes meet obstacles on the way, but the way in which we handle that failure that we always move forward.

So what of bankruptcy, as failure to help?

To begin with we need to understand what is truly bankrupt.

It 'interesting as we measure our people or other achievements. We use bank balances, property size, lifestyle, diet and plenty of testimonials as a measure of success or failure, but I do not understand the difference between them.

Success and failure are not measures have done or not done, which can not be judged by the size or the amount of our possession, not the destination that we can see and judge.

Napoleon Hill's book Science of Getting Rich, he writes about RU Darby and "Dig and Grow Rich" history, Hill shares with us the story of Darby's uncle, who in the last century, was caught by 'gold fever' and I West went to dig for gold.

"He plays a complaint and went to work with a pick and shovel. Corsican was difficult, but his joy for gold has been defined.

After weeks of work has been rewarded with the discovery of the deposit bright. He needed machines to bring the mineral surface. Quietly covered mine, retrace his footsteps to his home in Williamsburg, Maryland, told his relatives and some neighbours of the 'strike' They gathered the necessary money for the machine and had sent. The uncle and Darby returned to work in the mine.

The first car of ore was mined and shipped to a foundry. The return had proved one of the richest mines in Colorado! A few more cars of ore would be clear that debts. Then be killed in large profits.

He went down the drills! Up went the hopes of Darby's! Then something happened! The gold vein disappeared! They had come to the end of the rainbow and the pot of gold was no longer there! They drilled, desperately trying to pick up the vein again, all in vain.

Finally, it was decided to close.

They sold the car to a man for junk e-mail a few hundred dollars, and took the train back home. Some 'junk' men are dumb, but not this one! He called in a mining engineer to look at the mine and do some 'calculation. The engineer informed that the project had failed, because the owners were not aware 'fault lines.' Calculations showed that the vein is found only three metres from where he had stopped Darby's boring! , Which is exactly where he was found!

The man took junk millions of dollars in the mineral from the mine, because he knew enough to seek counsel before giving expert. "

So is this failure?

As a chapter of Darby life, this project is a failure, like Darby's close and has given up their dreams, only to discover that they were only three feet to achieve. But the contents of Darby life is not a failure.

You can see Darby had the lesson of success through persistence that he had learned so hard in his short career and mining applied to everything he did. As a result Darby became one of a small group of less than fifty men who, in that time, has sold over one million dollars a year and life insurance.

What was missing?

Absolute failure is the habit of quitting, while failing with renewed determination to achieve a strengthening stone to success.

Throughout history, and the world of commerce and science, we see the failure of this model, determination, perseverance and success. How many millionaires have failed against their name? Like many experiments by the likes of Edison and Bell failed, before they come to the conclusion that they were looking for?

It 's passion and faith that we will have the strength to persist. It 's belief that the Law of Attraction will be invoked and our path of success will be achieved.

Whether you understand the Law of Attraction or not, you should quit the habit of thinking in your reality (unless your reality is where you want to be).

To make changes to your case you should want, you must see your dreams and wishes and move toward them with passion and faith.

To Achieve you have first and then Conceive Believe.


The Old Man and The Problem of His Guest


At one moment, there is live an old man who is wise. At one morning, a young man with many problem come to him. His step (young man) is very slow and his face look very lusterless. That guest, visible look like the unlucky boy.

Without goodmanners, the guest talking all about his problem to the old man. The old man who is wise, just listening with accurate. And then he take a clutch salt, and request to that guest to take a glass of water. Then the old man sowing that salt into the glass, then he scramble slowly. "Try to drink it, and what do you feel, what the taste?", the old man said. "Bitter, very bitter", answer the guest while spit to beside him.

Then the old man smiling. He invite that guest to go at side the beach in the jungle, near his home place. Both of them walking side by side until they arrive to the calm lake.

The old man do again to sowing salt to the lake. With a part of wood, the old man make waves in the lake which that can tease the calm of lake."Try, take water from this lake and drink it". When that guest finishing drinking water, the oldman say again:
"How the taste"?
"Do you feel that lake have any salt?",

With wise, The old man says: "boy, bitter in the life, is likely a clutch salt. Not more, and not less. But, that bitter can we feel according with how big we have place to accommodated that. So, when you have a problem, you will feel it very bitter if so just have small place to accommodate the problem. But, you'll not feel any problem if you have bigger place in you heart to accommodate the problem. So, I recommended, Please fleshing out your heart to accommodating any problem. []

Then, both of them back to home, they have one more knowledge today. And the old man, keep saving "a clutch salt", for other guest, whose often came to him with carring any hearth problem.